If you only want Users to be able to see the particular Resources and Products associated with their Plan, you can do so by updating your Plan Settings.
Click Settings from the left-hand menu
Click Features then select Plans & Passes
Under 'Resource/product visibility, enable the 'To see resources, users must have a plan or allowance that includes it' toggle and the 'To see products, users must have a plan or allowance that includes it' toggle
Note: When enabling this setting, any User who you would like to enable make a Resource Booking must add them to a Plan that includes this Resouce. A User with no Plan added will not see any Resources available for booking. |
Note: If you'd like to allow users to view the Resources or Products, but not have any Allowance to book them (i.e. they'll have to pay the hourly rate that you've set for the Resource), include them in the Access only Allowance items. Click here to learn more about the different types of Allowance types. |
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