Allowance with overuse model
The Allowance with overuse model allows users to book, make purchases, or check-in beyond their allotted allowance (or if they have no allowance). This means that even when a user goes over their allowance limit in a given billing period, they’ll be able to continue making bookings, purchases or checking into your space by being charged an overage fee.
Allowance only model
The Allowance only model will prohibit users from booking over their allotted Allowance, meaning they’ll need to purchase additional Allowance to continue making bookings, purchases or check-ins. While Users can make multiple bookings at once using their Allowance, this model does not allow for Repeat Bookings.
Note: Ensure to include an hourly price in your resources even when your Allowance model is 'Allowance only'. Optix will choose the best price, Plan, or Allowance by default when Users create bookings. If a resource is $0/hour, Optix will charge them $0 regardless of if they have Allowance in their account to use towards this resource. |
To set your Allowance model, navigate to your Settings > Features > Plans & Passes.
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