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How do I sync Google Calendar with Optix?

As an admin, learn how to sync bookings between Optix resources and Google calendars

Sarah L. avatar
Written by Sarah L.
Updated over a week ago

Resources in Optix have internal calendars which manage the availability and bookings of that resource. With the Google Calendar integration you are able to sync your calendar with Optix to reduce duplication and ensure your calendars are up-to-date.

There are two steps to successfully sync your external calendar to your Optix account. Step one is to sync the overall accounts together. Step two is to link a specific calendar (associated with a particular meeting room) with the corresponding resource within Optix. 

Before you start 

A few important things to note before you get started. 

  1. You can only sync one Google calendar to one resource within your organization.(i.e. Google Calendar ABC can be synced with Meeting Room ABC)

  2. .You will need to create multiple calendars under one Google account, you will then see those calendars in the drop-down menu of the resource you wish to connect

  3. Creating a booking in Google Calendar will result in an External Booking in Optix, you cannot assign a user and draw from that users plan allowance doing this. To draw from a users plan allowance use the Admin Dashboard calendar.

  4. If you change a booking in the Google Calendar, the billing will not be recalculate and be updated in Optix - ensure that you make any changes to Optix bookings in Optix so billing is updated correctly

Getting Started

Step 1: Sync your Google/Office 365 Calendar with Optix:

  1. Select Apps & Integrations from the left-hand menu

  2. Scroll down and click Google Cal

  3. Click Install

  4. Enter the Google account credentials for the account where the resource calendars are hosted 

  5. You will be redirected back to Optix where you can connect specific resources in Optix to the linked calendars (see steps below)

Step 2: Connect a specific Google Calendar or Office 365 with a corresponding resource within Optix:

Once you've connected your Google account, you're ready to sync a specific Google Calendar with its corresponding resource within Optix.

You can do this two different ways:

On the configure page for the Google Calendar or Office 365 app:

  1. Select Apps & Integrations from the left-hand menu

  2. Click on either Google Calendar, or Office 365, and click Configure

  3. Scroll to the 'Resource calendars' section and click Configure

  4. Choose which of your Google or Office 365 calendars you want to connect to each resource in the calendar drop-down menu for each

Note: You can filter this page by location, resource type, and connected status to quickly find which resources you'd like to connect, and even use the search bar to find a specific resource.

Or, individually on each resource's edit page:

  1. Select Resources from the left-hand menu

  2. Click the resource you with to edit

  3. Scroll to the 'Calendar' section and select a calendar from the dropdown menu

  4. Choose which of your Google or Office 365 calendars you want to connect to this resource, then click Save

Note: If you need to make updates to a booking that was created externally, you'll need to make these changes on your external calendar. Optix will not be able to import these updates.

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